Thanks for choosing Oyertur Fashion Empire, we are happy doing business with you, your order is our number one priority, If you are unhappy with your items, please let’s know, our return policy gives you a maximum of 14 working days after delivery to adjust, exchange or get refunded.

However, the following conditions apply;

• All items must be in good and original packaging condition with no visible sign of wear or use on return. This means, it must have our tags on.
• For all exchanged items, 50% of shipping fee would be paid by customer.
• To get refunded at 70% of production cost, it would be on the basis that we did not meet up with the specification only.

Note:kindly note that we do not refund cash or money the total amount calculated for refund can either be used to purchase an item in our wholesale store or used for another production..

●Goods delivered outside Nigeria are sent through a reliable courier company who take safe and secure delivery there number one priority and have sign an agreement on a basis that goods lost or damaged in transit, the shipping company will be held liable for return/refund.
For further enquiries, contact +2348100418282.